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The library of the future is here

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We constantly keep abreast of the latest happenings and developments in the library world in order to fuel our inspiration and feed our hunger to remain at the forefront of library design.

The Hunt Library, located on North Carolina State University’s research campus, is without a doubt the library of the future. It is a flagship and benchmark for libraries wanting to embrace digital technology.

With high-tech tools, immersive spaces and an environment that fosters collaboration, the Hunt Library helps students turn ideas into reality.

It is a place of passion and vision; reflection and creativity – all of which are assisted and nurtured through the use of interactive computing, multimedia and large-scale visualization tools, enabling revolutionary ways to see and use information.

This library is evidence that the libraries of the future are not buildings where dust settles on books, but rather lively hubs where people can interact with new technologies and create amazing things.