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BiblioCon 2024

Exploring the nexus of nature and happy places

Biophilic library design promotes mental health 

serves as a beacon of inspiration, a melting pot of ideas where industry leaders converge to shape the future of library spaces. As pioneers in the field of library design, we participated in the 112. BiblioCon in Hamburg 4th-7th June 2024 to talk about the transformative power of biophilic design and happy places.

By actively participating in this global forum, we have reaffirmed our commitment to pushing the boundaries of design excellence and driving positive change within the industry. With focus on natural elements and the concept of bringing the outdoors in, we seek to create environments that foster a sense of tranquillity and well-being.

Our preparation and participation in the event was based on our 6-step library design process, serving as a guiding principle for how we approach our everyday work.

Step 1

Inspiration for BiblioCon

Our attendance ahead of BiblioCon began with one question: How do we prepare for the event?

The first thing we did was make a brainstorm and consider the most important topics for modern libraries. Our industry expertise along with online research show that mental health, biophilic design, sustainability and happy places – combined with our project skills – are key factors that benefit libraries and are highly relevant topics right now.

Drawing upon the rich tapestry of nature, we wanted to infuse our stand with elements that evoke a sense of harmony and rejuvenation. Biophilic library design projects can be visualized in several ways, e.g. floor and wall graphics with motifs of forest and ocean. They can capture the benefits of natural lights and views of outdoor areas to emphasize the feeling of being outside.

The beach amplifies this narrative, evoking memories of serene coastal escapes and sun-kissed shores. As we approached summer, we decided to infuse our stand at BiblioCon with elements that could make the visitors wish for long summer nights, harmony and rejuvenation.

We were able to seek inspiration in several of our own projects that illustrate the beach theme and Nordic shores in various, creative ways by the use of colours, furniture and other beach-like elements.


Step 2

Team briefing for BiblioCon

After seeking inspiration, our team gathered for a pivotal briefing session where ideas flowed freely and creativity knew no bounds. Central to this process is the creation of mood boards, a visual tool that serves as a compass guiding us towards our destination: a captivating beach-themed stand that could embody the essence of biophilic library design.

With the beach theme and Nordic shores as our compass, we collected images, textures, colours, materials and patterns serving as a springboard for our imagination, helping us translate abstract concepts into tangible design elements.

From photographs of sun-kissed shores to snapshots of driftwood and seashells, every element was carefully selected to evoke a sense of coastal elegance and natural tranquillity. The soft hues of sandy beaches, the vibrant blues of the ocean and the earthy tones of weathered wood converged to create a palette that speaks to the soul and ignites the imagination.



Moodboard with beach theme



From concept to reality. 3D drawing (top) turned into final stand layout (bottom).

Step 3

Design stand at BiblioCon

As we delved into the intricacies of designing our stand for BiblioCon, our focus shifted towards translating our thematic vision into tangible elements that captivate the senses and ignite the imagination. We also had to adhere to the economic framework for the exhibition, just as our design projects are based on a specific budget. With biophilic library design as our guiding principle and the serene beauty of the beach and Nordic shores as our inspiration, we carved out distinct zones that catered to the diverse needs and interests of our visitors.

Welle, with its undulating forms and modern allure, evokes associations of diving into blue waves. Sensa Lounge Chair, with its timeless appeal and natural warmth, adds a touch of rustic charm, evoking memories of sun-drenched shores and weathered driftwood. Lingo, with its versatility and understated elegance, provides the perfect complement to our theme, seamlessly integrating with the surrounding environment to create a cohesive and harmonious whole.

As our design vision took shape, it was important for us that every element harmonized seamlessly to create an experience that could be both captivating, meaningful and memorable for visitors at BiblioCon.

Step 4

Presentation at BiblioCon

The overarching theme of our stand was inspired by the serene beauty of beach and Nordic shores. The theme has been meticulously selected to evoke a sense of tranquillity and to mirror the natural elements of coastal landscapes.

We strategically used specific library furniture that not only complement the theme but also enhanced the overall visitor experience. The choice of colours, materials and textures on both Welle, Sensa Lounge Chair and Lingo shelving has played a critical role to create a cohesive palette that spoke directly to the soul of the visitor.

Our aim has been to create an open and airy stand with pathways that meander like coastal trails, guiding visitors through different “zones” that showcase various aspects of library design. Each zone is a nod to different elements of seaside that can additionally facilitate various activities including water sports, run and play, further highlighting a healthy lifestyle by offering breaks from everyday life.


Step 5

Execution at BiblioCon

At BiblioCon we shared our vision for biophilic library design with an engaged audience. We had the pleasure of interacting with many visitors who expressed their enthusiasm for the design and theme of the stand, emphasizing mental breaks and well-being.

We asked our guests to write down their happy place on a black speech bubble and place it on a mood board. Inspired by the stand and nature elements, all visitors wrote down natural places they associate with relaxation and well-being. They mentioned places like the beach, ocean, forests and mountains. 

This exercise draws inspiration from a similar event we previously held at Next Library in aarhus, Denmark, at Dokk1, where we discovered that happy places are often described with roots in nature, thus involving a biophilic aspect. We have once again confirmed this at BiblioCon 2024. 



Step 6

Follow-up from BiblioCon

Having presented our stand and theme at BiblioCon, we are now working to integrate the valuable feedback and insights we received into our ongoing and future projects.

We have gathered feedback from participants, which has provided us with a clear picture of the most well-received aspects of our design and areas where there is room for improvement. Discussions about the importance of mental health and biophilic design have reinforced our commitment to these principles in our work.

This process will help us to improve and innovate further in our design practice, ensuring that each new library setup is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and conducive to user well-being.






Whether you have participated in BiblioCon 2024 or not, we hope you are curious about exploring the benefits of biophilic library design and happy places.

Please contact us if you need help with your library interior project or have any questions.