Everything your library needs!
Item no.: E4572

Öland XL Book Trolley - Plus Design
Item no.: E4262

Larry Book and AV trolley

Classic Line Book Trolley
Item no.: E76231

Lewis Book Trolley
Item no.: E4253

Maya Outdoor Return Cabinet
Item no.: E4239

Lund Return Cabinet
Item no.: E4251

Bob Return Cabinet
Item no.: E5835

WR1 Return Cabinet
Item no.: E3847

Rubber Mat
Item no.: E4567

Sara Browser, available in 3 heights
Item no.: E4592

Sara Round Browser, available in 3 heights
Item no.: E4596

Julia Midi Browser
Item no.: E4545

Julia Maxi Browser
Item no.: E7651

Julia Maxi Browser - Plus Design
Item no.: E4249

Little Claus Browser
Item no.: E4339

Big Claus Browser
Item no.: E4345

Anette Browser, single-sided
Item no.: E4533

Anette Browser, single-sided
Item no.: E4334

Anette Browser, single-sided - Plus Design
Item no.: E4347

Anette Browser, double-sided
Item no.: E4538

Anette Browser, double-sided
Item no.: E4346

Anette Browser, double-sided - Plus Design
Item no.: E4327

Linnéa Browser

Lingo Browser Module

60/30 Classic Browser Module

Box 0, 1 & 2 Picture Book Browser

Cube Picture Book Box Browser

Square Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E15100

Children’s Book Bus
Item no.: E7659

Dilly Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E7658

Gordon Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E7654

Elna Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E7655

Elof Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E7660

Ture Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E7657

Leopold Picture Book Browser
Item no.: E37377

Malmö AV Browser with drawers
Item no.: E4063

Discorama AV browser

Radix Picture Book Browser

Radix AV browser

Sinus AV browser
Item no.: E4230

Bottom Shelf with Plinth for Julia Midi
Item no.: E4225

Castor set for Linnéa and Little/Big Claus
Item no.: E4485

Castor set
Item no.: E766017

Seating lid for Ture

Inform Counter

Inform Table
Item no.: E4383

Info Pod Counter
Item no.: E4696

Info Pod Counter with LED
Item no.: E4690

Info Pod XL Counter
Item no.: E4684

Info Pod Counter with recessed front
Item no.: E3711

Flatline Search Station, available in 2 heights
Item no.: E3713

Flatline Electro Search Station, height adjustable
Item no.: E3718

Flatline wall mounted Search Station
Item no.: E3719

Flatline wall mounted Search Station

Inform Search Station
Item no.: E4047

MoveIT, height adjustable
Item no.: E23532

Sat Laptop Table
Item no.: E3885

Height Adjustable Tablet Holder
Item no.: E3862

Tablet holder
Item no.: E3863

Tablet holder
Item no.: E3864

Tablet holder
Item no.: E3865

Tablet holder
Item no.: E3714

CPU-console for Flatline
Item no.: E3715

CPU case for Flatline

Knight's Castle

Reading Ship
Item no.: E76100

Reading Hut
Item no.: E3582

HabiCave Lounge Chair
Item no.: E5111

Floki Tree Pouf, available in 2 heights
Item no.: E5100

Floki Tree Pouf, available in 2 heights
Item no.: E5130

Ragnar Tree Pouf
Item no.: E5133

Ragnar Pouf
Item no.: E5113

Rollo Tree Pouf
Item no.: E5102